Makalah Mahasiswa Tahun 2017

  1. Eloquent Object Relational Mapping in PHP Using Laravel Framework
    Oleh: Joshua Salimin - 13514001

  2. Redesign The User Experience of E-Commerce Mobile Application Based on User Research ( Rapid Wireframing Using Balsamiq Mockups)
    Oleh: Catherine Pricilla -13514004

  3. Vim as Text Editor
    Oleh: Muhammad Naufal – 13514073

  4. Develop a Simple Chatbot with API.AI
    Oleh: Kharis Isriyanto - 135014064

  5. Mobile Apps Trends and How to Implement with Android Studio
    Oleh: Hasna Nur Karimah - 13514106

  6. Building Data Processing Pipeline for Recommender System Using Scala and Apache Kafka
    Oleh: Febi Agil Ifdillah - 13514010

  7. Data Analysis Case Study: Water Table Depth in Jakarta, in 2017
    Oleh: Dharma Kurnia Septialoka - 13514028

  8. Ruby on Rails Framework On Agile Developement
    Oleh: Dendy Suprihady - 13514070

  9. Database Model In Django Project
    Oleh: Dandu Satynuraga - 13514601

  10. User Management in Laravel
    Oleh: Christian Anthony Setyawan - 13514085

  11. Equation-based Movement on Unity
    Oleh: Cendhika Imantoro - 13514037

  12. Backtesting Exponential Moving Average Crossover Simple Trading Strategy using R
    Oleh: Andri Hardono Hutama – 13514031

  13. Robust PHP-based App using Laravel Framework
    Oleh: Alfonsus Raditya Arsadjaja - 13514088

  14. Automatic Multiple-Choice Question Generator by Using Machine Learning
    Oleh:Albertus Kelvin – 13514100

  15. Develop Chat Room Application with Node.js and Socket.IO
    Oleh: Ade Yusuf Rahardian - 13514079

  16. Digital Board Game using Unity Game Engine
    Oleh: Yeksadiningrat Al Valentino - 13514055

  17. Hiding Message to BMP Image With LSB Insertion Using Python
    Oleh: Anwar Ramadha - 13514...

  18. Exploration on Multiplayer Networking Capabilities in Unity using Photon Unity Networking Cloud API
    Oleh: Muhammad Reifiza - 13514103

  19. Game Development with Construct 2 Simple Platformer Game using Construct 2
    Oleh: Stefanus Agus Haryono - 13514097

  20. Wikipedia Redesign Concept Using Adobe XD
    Oleh: Adam Rotal Yuliandaru - 13514091

  21. Native Android and Hybrid Application Comparison, Study Case PhoneGap Framework
    Oleh: Rio Chandra Rajagukguk - 13514082

  22. Solving the MNIST Dataset Using Python Scikit Learn Library
    Oleh:Robert Sebastian Herlim - 13514061

  23. Analyzing Binaries Using angr
    Oleh: Jason Jeremy Iman - 13514058

  24. Crawling SIX ITB with jsoup: Java HTML Parser
    Oleh: Naufal Malik Rabbani - 13514052

  25. Retrofit as a type-safe REST Client for Android Development
    Oleh: Albert Logianto - 13514046

  26. Implementation of AngularJS in Developing Small Simple Website Project
    Oleh: Devin Lukianto - 13514040

  27. Building a Simple Web Application using Laravel
    Oleh: Evita Chandra - 13514034

  28. Creating a Mobile App: Android Studio vs React Native
    Oleh: Taufic Leonardo Sutejo - 13514022

  29. Android Studio Implementation for Medical Record Employee Performance Measure
    Oleh: Wiega Sonora – 13514019

  30. Robust yet Efficient Web Development using Laravel
    Oleh: Alif Bhaskoro - 13514016

  31. Build a Single-Page Web Application Using React, The Making of FriendsBook Web Application Project
    Oleh: Sri Umay Nur’aini Sholihah - 13514007

  32. i-ttendance, Solution for Academic Cheating, Developed with CodeIgniter and Android Studio
    Oleh: Ratnadira Widyasari - 13514025

  33. 3D Model Creation using Blender, Creating the Syntax Logo
    Oleh: Resa Kemal Saharso - 13514109

  34. User Error Prevention, User Experience Design
    Oleh: Vitra Chandra - 13514043

  35. Usage of Virtual Reality GamesG in non Entertainment Industry
    Oleh: Yusak Yuwono Awondatu - 13514005

  36. Role of User Persona in Creating Redesign Concept for Tokopedia Android Application
    Oleh: Malvin Juanda - 13514044

  37. Web-Based Development with Laravel Platform
    Oleh: Gaudensius Dimas Prasetyo Suprapto - 13514059

  38. Using Docker for Django Web Development
    Oleh: Kevin Supendi - 13514094

  39. Make Android Application Using Android Studio
    Oleh: Jovian Christianto – 13514101

  40. Build a Simple Web View for Restaurants and Recipes Finder Using Bootstrap and Sass
    Oleh: Hishshah Ghassani - 13514056

  41. Linear Regression Model Learning using Gradient Descent, Athlete’s Weight-Age-Height Linear Model
    Oleh: Fairuz Astra Pratama - 13514104

  42. Developing Music Player Feature on October CMS Theme with RainLab’s Blog Plugin
    Oleh: Atika Azzahra Akbar - 13514077

  43. Android Firebase Implementation to Develop GonjongHub, An Information Center for ITB Students Coming from West Sumatera
    Oleh: Amal Qurany - 13514078

  44. Implementing Face Recognition With OpenCV Using Python Programming Language
    Oleh: Alson Cahyadi - 13514035

  45. Sentiment Analysis on News Channel at Twitter with R
    Oleh: Ali Akbar - 13514080

  46. Design User Interface Personal Website
    Oleh: Ahmad Fajar Prasetiyo - 13514053

  47. Designing and Prototyping with Adobe Experience Design
    Oleh: Johan - 13514026

  48. A Curious Case of a Double RSA Encryption
    Oleh: Hafizh Afkar Makmur - 13514062

  49. Organized Curriculum Vitae Construction using LaTeX
    Oleh: Muhammad Reza Ramadhan - 13514107

  50. Front-End Development of ITB Parking Information System Prototype using SCSS
    Oleh: Joshua Atmadja - 13514098

  51. Beautifulsoup4 for Data Scraping in Building Lyrics-guessing Bot API
    Oleh: Muhammad Gumilang - 13514092

  52. Classification of Dating Agency Participant using Support Vector Machine
    Oleh: Ramos Janoah Hasudungan - 13514089

  53. Immersion Horror Game Development through Augmented Reality by using Unity with Vuforia
    Oleh: Azka Hanif Imtiyaz - 13514086

  54. Creating a Social Networking Website with Laravel
    Oleh: Scarletta Julia Yapfrine - 13514074

  55. Making Piano Simulator for Android using Android Studio
    Oleh: Hafizh Dary Faridhan Hudoyo - 13514072

  56. Single-Page Online Shop App Development using React and Redux
    Oleh: Garmastewira - 13514068

  57. Taxi Trip Data Analysis and Visualization using Python Libraries
    Oleh: Geraldi Dzakwan - 13514065

  58. Simple Game with Unity3D
    Oleh: Harry Octavianus Purba - 13514050

  59. Augmented Reality Experiment with Unity
    Oleh: Nikolas Wangsaputra - 13514048

  60. Progressive Web Apps Using Ionic in Android to Provide Information About Belitung Island
    Oleh: Bervianto Leo P - 13514047

  61. Laravel and Heroku, Study Case: Creating a Content Management System
    Oleh: Nugroho Satriyanto - 13514038

  62. Face Tracking for Animated Video with Tracking.js Computer Vision in Web Based Application
    Oleh: Fanda Yuliana Putri - 13514023

  63. Materialize CSS for Designing a Web of Islamic Lecture Information and Resumes
    Oleh: Ikhwanul Muslimin - 13514020

  64. Mobile Application Development Using React Native
    Oleh: M. Isham Azmansyah Faizal – 13514014

  65. Creating Forum Discussion Website with Laravel
    Oleh: Micky Yudi Utama - 13514011

  66. SKS(Simple Kajian Scheduler) With Node.js, MongoDB, and ExpressJS
    Oleh: Muhammad Az-zahid Adhitya Silparensi 13514...

  67. A Journey of Learning Computer Graphics
    Oleh: Muhammad Diaztanto Haryaputra – 13514002

  68. Profiling E-Commerce Customers Using Clarifai
    Oleh: Muhammad Farhan Majid – 13514029

  69. Creating a Strategy Game Using the Unity Game Engine
    Oleh: Nathan James Runtuwene – 13514083

  70. Vocaloid Concert with Augmented Reality
    Oleh: Varian Caesar - 13514041

  71. Study of Android Development
    Oleh: Ahmad Sena Musa Satria- 13514...

  72. Comparing Single-node and Multi-node Cluster in Cassandra using YCSB Benchmark
    Oleh: Michael - 13514108

  73. Circle Detection and Tracking using OpenCV Library
    Oleh: Muhammad Kamal Nadjieb - 13514054

  74. Comparing Multi-Server Configuration for Big Data Processing using Hadoop, SWIM and Gnuplot
    Oleh: Praditya Raudi Avinanto - 13514087

  75. Implementation of Hidden Markov Model with Python Programming Language
    Oleh: Sashi Novitasari - 13514027

  76. Creating A Simple 2D Platformer Game Using Construct 2
    Oleh: Sekar Anglila Hapsari - 13514069

  77. Progressive Web Application, Migrating Web Application to a Progressive Web Application
    Oleh: Kristianto Karim - 13514xxx

  78. Palmately Lobed Leaf Image Classifier Using TensorFlow
    Oleh: Joshua Aditya Kosasih - 13514012

  79. Cellular Automata for Procedural Level Generation
    Oleh: Hendrikus Bimawan Satrianto - 13514066

  80. Problem Solving in Dataset Using Support Vector Machine with Python
    Oleh: Faza Thirafi - 13514033

  81. MongoDB to Simplify Your Database Structure
    Oleh: Elvina Riama K. Situmorang - 13514045

  82. Unity 5, A learning experience
    Oleh: Candra Ramsi (

  83. Build Meeting Room Management Website Using BaaS Framework : Usergrid
    Oleh: Alvin Junianto Lan - 13514105

  84. Create Single Page Application with AngularJS, Create Website Which Give Native-App-Like Experience with Javascript Framework
    Oleh: Aditio Pangestu - 13514030

  85. Market Notifier with API Crawler in Path of Exile Game
    Oleh: Davin Prasetya - 13514003

  86. Implementation of Web & 13.56 MHz RFID Card based Attendance System (Case Study : ITB Attendance System)
    Oleh: Adi Purnama

  87. Using Laravel Framework To Build A Promotion Website For Mie Rampok Bandung
    Oleh: Verisky Mega Jaya - 13514018

  88. Memory Puzzle Game Implementation Using Unity Game Engine
    Oleh: Luthfi Kurniawan - 13514102

  89. Tone Beat Counter using Excel Macro
    Oleh: Drestanto Muhammad Dyasputro - 13514099

  90. Android Studio Usage on Developing E-SIM Ticketing Application
    Oleh: I Dewa Putu Deny Krisna Amrita - 13514096

  91. Rent Room Management System with Django
    Oleh: Arnettha Septinez - 13514093

  92. Face Recognition using Microsoft Cognitive Service Face API
    Oleh: Martino Christanto Khuangga - 13514084

  93. Web development with laravel
    Oleh: Ahmad Faiq Rahman – 13514081

  94. Creating a Simple Web Application using Golang
    Oleh: Steffi Indrayani - 13514063

  95. Making a Simple Website using, Making Complex and Difficult Script in a Simple Way
    Oleh: Jeremia Kavin Raja Parluhutan - 13514060

  96. Augmented Reality Experiment with Unity
    Oleh: Nikolas Wangsaputra - 13514048

  97. Explore Augmented Reality and Create Simulator in Unity, Sea Garbage Awareness
    Oleh: Friska - 13514042

  98. Getting Started to Apache Hadoop, Running Hadoop Common, HDFS, Hadoop YARN, and Hadoop MapReduce on Multi Nodes
    Oleh: Ari Pratama Zhorifiandi - 13514039

  99. Android Game Development with Unity Engine
    Oleh: Jeremia Jason Lasiman - 13514021

  100. Implementing Business Intelligence in Grocery Store with Tableau
    Oleh: Atika Firdaus – 13514009

  101. Building Progressive Web Apps Using Polymer Library
    Oleh: Harry Alvin Waidan Kefas