Makalah Kriptografi Tahun 2016 (setengah semester pertama, pengganti UTS)

  1. BEA – A New Block Cipher Algorithm
    Oleh: Luqman A. Siswanto (13513024), Yoga Adrian Saputra (13513030)

  2. Simple yet Assured Tree Encryption (SATE) A new secure yet simple block-cipher algorithm that uses Fistel Tree
    Oleh: Andre Susanto (13512028)

  3. Algoritma Cipher Block RG-1
    Oleh: Feryandi Nurdiantoro (13513042), Ibrohim Kholilul Islam (13513090), Muhamad Fakhrusy (13612020)

  4. Feisty: Modifikasi Block Cipher AES dengan Jaringan Feistel
    Oleh: Arieza Nadya (13512017), Junita Sinambela (13512023)

  5. Geldy : A New Modification of Block Cipher
    Oleh: Candy Olivia Mawalim (13513031), Angela Lynn (13513032)

  6. SnR - Swap and Round Block Cipher A New Block Cipher Algorithm
    Oleh: Vincent Theophilus Ciputra (13513005), Edwin Wijaya (13513040)

  7. BSC, Block Slider Cipher Introduction to a new sliding based block cipher algorithm
    Oleh: William Sentosa (13513026), Randi Chilyon Alfianto (13513087)

  8. Composite Block Cipher
    Oleh: Aufar Gilbran (13513015), Kevin Yauris (13513015)

  9. DK: Algoritma Cipher Blok Kombinasi Jaringan Feistel dan Pseudorandom sub-Key
    Oleh: Daniar Heri Kurniawan

  10. Algoritma Cipher Blok Mats, Algoritma Cipher Blok dengan Fungsi Acak Modulus
    Oleh: Ramandika Pranamulia (13512078), Mamat Rahmat (13512007)

  11. RandWher: Algoritma Block Chiper dengan Prinsip Random di dalam Jaringan Feistel
    Oleh: Rakhmatullah Yoga Sutrisna (13512053), Akhmad Fakhoni Listiyan Dede (13513061)

  12. Triad Primus Cipher
    Oleh: Rifkiansyah Meidian Cahyaatmaja (13511084), Michael Alexander Wangsa (13512046)

  13. The Revaris Block Cipher, A New Block Cipher Utilizing Feistel Network, hash-based key rotation, and 4 S-boxes
    Oleh: Dariel Valdano (13512079)